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Minimal period problems in Hamiltonian systems with symmetries

来源:必赢线路检测中心   时间:2019-02-26   点击数:

Topic: Minimal period problems in Hamiltonian systems with symmetries

Speaker: Zhang Duanzhi

Abstract: In this talk, we will introduce the Maslov-type index for symplectic paths starting from identity and its iteration theory under periodic solution and brake orbit boundary conditions. As applications we will study the minimal period problems for symmetric periodic solutions and brake orbits of nonlinear autonomous Hamiltonian systems and reversible Hamiltonian systems respectively.

Introduction of Speaker: Zhang Duanzhi, Professor of Nankai University

Inviter: Hu Xijun, Professor of Mathematics School of Shandong University

Time: March 1th, 2019 (Friday)  10:30 am

Venue: 1032 Conference Hall, Block B of Zhixin Building, Central Campus

Organizer: Mathematics School of Shandong University


地址:中国山东省济南市山大南路27号   邮编:250100  

电话:0531-88364652  院长信箱:sxyuanzhang@sdu.edu.cn

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