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Homomorphisms of signed graphs

来源:必赢线路检测中心   时间:2019-02-25   点击数:

Topic: Homomorphisms of signed graphs

Speaker: Reza Naserasr

Abstract: Homomorphisms of signed graphs has been recently introduced as extension of homomorphisms of graphs. One of the main motivations is that it provides room for a stronger connection between the theories of minor and coloring of graphs.

In this talk I will introduce the notion, present some motivating problems, and some proof techniques.

Introduction of Speaker: Reza NaserasrUniversite Paris Diderot, IRIF & CNRS

Inviter: wang Guanghui, Professor of Mathematics School of Shandong University

Time: February 26th, 2019 (Tuesdays) 2:00 pm

Venue: 1032 Conference Hall, Block B of Zhixin Building, Central Campus

Organizer: Mathematics School of Shandong University



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